Thursday, April 30, 2009

Parenting in the New Millenium!

This is going to definately be an opinion piece and I know everyone is dying for pictures of Parker but alas I am still too lazy to upload them. So I am doing a piece on parenting in this day and age pros and cons or at least my stand point....mostly con what can I say. First of all let me start with a disclaimer any feelings hurt in this I apologize but hey everyone knows I am blunt so oh well. Why I myself do not fit in with this "mom mold" of the day. I do not like Jenny McCarthy by any stretch of the imagination. First of all...she is very against vaccinations. NOT COOL!!!! Second...she claims vaccines made her son autistic but admitted he was very developmentally behind his whole life...sounds like someone is in severe denial and has to have a scapegoat...not to mention she is dating Jim Carey TOTALLY JEALOUS!!! Dr. Sears is another sore spot for me..why you ask? well mostly because I think he is full of are kids are kids etc...Kids will live they will get hurt adn they will go about their day...I do not believe in sheltering my child to the point that I am inhibiting his development...for instance not letting him try to sit up because I am scared he is going to fall and then get crazy ideas in my head that he will die from his 1 foot topple to the carpet...gosh come on people!. I also do not believe anyone should tell me how to raise my child. Suggestions/advice will be listened to and then used accordingly. If I like them. I have been called "relaxed" by several people since I have become a parent. Maybe I am. In my defense I am raising a wild child.. I found it best to adopt this attitude as to avoid anxiety medicine at a later date. Oh, and for Dr. Sears never trust someone who is making buckoo bucks off of you. BOTTOM LINE! Last thing that just really kills me is.....People rearranging their schedule for their the point of not going grocery shopping because you don't want your child out in public they may get sick..well NEWS FLASH they will have NO immune system unless they are exposed to germs to fight off to build said immune system. Oh wow never thought of that huh? So I am sure some people are curious as to what my parenting style is...I am just a mom that does what is best for her baby and has fun doing it..bottom line I will be defined by nothing else..and just for the kid is way advanced so I am clearly doing something right...Pictures tomorrow I promise.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Sorry guys I know I have been MIA but what can I say I didn't have a keyboard...rough boys! Anyways I think the best way to get back in the groove of things is to tell everyone the goings on in this household....Sundays are always boring a whole lot of nothing I think we went to Clay's house for some dinner and he gave Parker deer sausage much to my strong urgings to absolutely not do that..and of course it upset his tummy the next day..GRRR...However I do feel thankful that Clay is very supportive of this family unlike most of daddy's friends. Monday was a good day Viva La Resistance baby was finally down for the count he took two naps and slept until four...Tuesday was an even better day go us!...and today he got a prize for it..They are called meshfeeders and a rather snazzy invention where you can give them chunks of human food and they can gnaw until their heart's content..Today he sampled frozen mango cubes and he LOVED them..I hear this thing is great for teething babies as well...He has learned how to play peek a boo and he loves it..He finds himself to be hilarious..he has also started to think about pulling up on things but he is playing it safe for now...I have a feeling this won't last long he doesn't typically scare easily.. I hope to have time to tomorrow to catch ya'll up on some pictures ( I don't think I have that many and maybe give ya'll your weekly video)! We did pick up his 6 month pictures today and they are everyone is excited to get these in the mail. The Swine Flu outbreak is scaring everyone including we stocked up on hand sanitizer and soap to wash our hands and of course Parker's outings at public places will now be limited because I am a freakshow....mostly just about my kid. I will have more for everyone tomorrow! Goodnight!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I started feeling bad last night because the only things I have been posting about Parker are his "bad" things, which aren't that bad it is just new and a little crazy. I never thought in a million years that I would be the kind of mother to tell her 6 month old no, or the kind of mother who put her child in their play pen because they just could not handle one more minute of ripping stuff down..or running down the hall and back...When I was younger I thought that I would just go all day and play with my baby like no body's business and then when I got pregnant at 20 I was like well this is shocking but I am young and I will have TONS of energy to do this...well...I do not have the energy to be the parent I thought I could be..or would be..but I just wanted to share why I think my baby is the best baby in the world..(this is one attitude of motherhood that I said I would never have but I do.) (side note maybe I do just have the best baby in the world.)

1. He typically loves his crib true he finds it more suiting as a play toy but nonetheless there are some babies who hate it at all costs.

2.He generally entertains himself.

3.He slept 10 hours straight last night.

4.He is always super well behaved in public places.

5.He loves Mommy more than anyone else in the entire world.

6.He is super advanced and though this is a cause of 90% of my stress as a mother that is also the cause of 50% of my pride as a mother.

7.He turns daddy's video games off for me so I don't have to.

8.He is such a good eater he hardly ever makes a mess except when daddy feeds him.

9.He is so easy going...he will do whatever we want and be nice about it..

10. He loves having his picture made.

11.He crawls to the window to watch the kids play outside and thinks he can just crawl right out there to them.

12.He is the most cuddly wild child ever! He loves hugs and kisses and typically begs for more.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sinclair Anyone?

So, I have been brewing on Nicko's latest hair disaster for about a week or so now waiting for his mother to find out so I have been putting quite a bit of thought into this blog. Anyone who knows my gentle souled boyfriend knows that he has a rather sharp face and kind of favors a dinosaur. I will not put a type on it because I am not that wise in my dino ways...but something mean and ferocious because he is anything but a vegetarian. So if any of you remember the tv show will find this amusing and hilarious and it will be just one big joke fest of making fun of Nicko and maybe a few others.....


This is Fran Sinclair and I suppose she is the one I am most like, unlike my other two family members I don't think we physically look much a like, but I am more like her than her pre teen horror story of a daughter...and I have to fit into this story somehow after all I did give life to one of said family members and it will make the punch line that much better.


This is Robbie Mark Sinclair and this would be Nicko's dino counter part...and he does in fact look almost identical to Nicko...too funny...this was my first thought when Nicko showed me his new hair and as I was looking for pictures of this dino I found some of...


Baby Sinclair who also favors my son..oh wow does he...even in personality..


Note: Parker has just about as many fat rolls as this baby and huge eyes and always smiles.


Note: I have yet to do this to my son but the point is I have seriously considered it a couple of times..

and what makes this little make shift dino family even more true is Baby Sinclair's claim to fame "NOT DA MAMA!!!" that is Parker's outlook on life these days...

Friday, April 24, 2009

RevoluciĆ³n de bebe Parker!

Parker has started a revolution against his parents and his war cry is simply this "I am not a baby and I will do what I want when I want"....for instance he says "MOM I do not take naps and if I do so happen to change my mind and feel the need for a nap it will be short we will say approximately 30 minutes" and I then reply " of course son whatever works for you works for me" I am a wimp because I am scared of him..he is 24 pounds of lean mean baby are a few more of his stipulations for us getting to enjoy his presence as our child :

1) I will crawl to the glass doors as many times as I want and I will then proceed to hit my head on said glass doors as many times as I think is necessary because no matter what you tell me I know that is the way outside because I can see it.

2) Please stop shutting the bathroom door because that is where daddy lives and I like daddy..

3)I do not want my diaper changed and I will not cooperate on this at any exceptions.

4) I will play with butt paste and my hair brush and occasionally the lotion bottle and you will NOT stop me.

5) I will sit on the floor to be fed so out with the bouncer guys.

6) I will get my own controller to play video games and if you do not oblige I will make it physically impossible for you to play your game by turning off the playstation.

Love, PSD

And we are left here baffled and kind of curious as to where our easy going sweet child went to...and I immediately must blame Nicko because I have never been so rebellious in my whole life...and he blames me for spoiling him...oh well...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mommy Survey!

This was posted on my baby board and I thought that most of the people who read this would like to know or see some of the details...

1.age? 6 months

2. name? Parker Sebastian

3. birthday? 10/8/08

4. time of birth? 7:42 P.M.

5. how long did labor last? Um...14 hours or so..

6. who was in the room when baby was born? doctors, Nicko and my mom.

7. how long did u push? almost two hours.

8. weight? 9lb 7 oz

9. length? 21 1/4

10. any hair? a head full

11. who does baby look like? well he used to look like his father but he is starting to favor me some I would say he is almost 50/50 he tans like me ;)

12. be honest…how much weight did u gain during pregnancy?I gained over 70 pounds..

13. was baby early or late? exactly one week early

14. who drove u home from hospital? Nicko

15. how many baby showers did u have? 1

16. when did baby start sleeping thru the night? 3 weeks until recently...still working on that one..

17. did u breastfeed? no

18.if not, what kind of formula? Started on Enfamil Lipil and now he is on Enfamil Prosobee.

19. who keeps your baby the most? me

20. when do u wanna have another? never.

21.. how did u pick the name? My granny picked Parker and we had not decided on a middle name so I let Nicko decide and he picked his own middle name..

22. how did u know when it was time to go to hospital? I had threatened to harm my OB if he did not get the kid out of me...he then decided it was in his best interest to let me have him.

23. What was your pain management? Well...I had an epidural but apparently someone thought I needed to learn a lesson about having babies and that lesson would be that it is the most horrible pain ever.

24. did u go home or somewhere else when u left the hosp.? Nope, went home

25. anyone spend the night with u first night home? Ms. Kathy and Mr. Ken..and Nicko was there.


Parker has developed his own little system of letting us know that he is done using a baby thing..for instance when he got tired of his baby bathtub he flipped it over on himself and this morning I was feeding him breakfast in his bouncer and he flipped it over!! I was like holy crow! I had just told Nicko yesterday that we could probably make it a couple more months with out a highchair because we were doing good with that chair and it wouldn't be an issue until he started feeding himself and eating "people" food...well was I wrong...I am really starting to wonder if my nerves will make it until his second birthday..this morning he crawled down the hallway into the bathroom to watch Daddy get ready for work as cute as it was that also means it is time to start tripping over baby gates..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So a couple of weeks ago I was doing something or the other and Parker was playing on the floor like he usually does for about 60% of his day and I noticed it was really really quiet..this never happens except at nap time Parker is a well spoken little man...he has quite the vocabulary..but I was like this isn't right so I go and check on him and this is what I find!

Notice how he drug his OWN book over there but proceeded to RIP up daddy's!

Make that two of HIS books...

This is his "I am so cute what do you plan on doing about it" face.

This is his " she just told me no how dare her take away my paper" face.

I tell you he is getting to be more like Nicko every day he even has his own controller for when they play games together...

Monday, April 20, 2009

What have I done..

Saturday I got this crazy idea into my head that I really truly believe that Parker could hold his own bottle..and he could it turns out he has been tricking me because he has been doing it ever since..but now I feel not needed...he can hold his own bottle he goes to sleep by himself and thanks to crying it out stays that way until he is ready to wake I have personally pushed myself out the doors without realizing what I was doing so needless to say his new found independence has left me looking yet again for something to do and maybe a purpose..and that new purpose is chasing him down the hallway and yelling at Nicko to 1) not leave paper/trash/food/piles of clothes on the floor for Parker to get into 2) to keep the bathroom door shut so I don't have to run after Parker all day.....oh and we had Parker's six month pictures taken yesterday and they are sooo good I can't wait for everyone to see them! He loves having his picture taken as soon as the camera comes out he starts smiling!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Parker and Bo!

There are only a few pictures we got at the beach and sadly they are all in the hotel room..oh well..I just wanted to share pictures of Bo and Parker because they are both pretty cute kiddos but I will warn you to not judge Bo by his hair he had a run in with some silly putty and well the silly putty won but in Bo's defense he did put up a fight the whole weekend...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Parker the Outdoorsman.

Parker LOVES to be outside. The more wind and sunshine the better off he is. When we ride in the car he loves all of the windows to be down. He will sit in his seat and laugh and squeal. So for his half birthday we got him a swing to go on our porch because it is getting super nice here and well we get bored inside all day. Plus it will save trips to the park because the only thing he can do there is swing and hate the grass.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Could it be Rabies?

I really think that maybe Parker is rabid..he sure is acting as he is..maybe a trip to the vet is in order...symptoms are as follows:
1. He tries to eat everything.
2.He has been screaming like a wild man.
3. He has bitten the arm that feeds him.

That is right you have heard right Parker has laid his first bite mark upon his mother. At first I thought this was a fluke like there is no way my sweet little baby would possibly bite me..ok he pulls me hair a lot but it is a sweet gesture because I am convinced he really just wants to play with it to make him go to sleep. But biting there is no way to right that with affection. I am telling myself at this point that he didn't know what he was doing..believable since he still looks shocked and cries when he bites himself..but how much longer can I really pretend he isn't a boy after all.....I thought he was going to grow up and be sweet and gentle ...:( Teething tablets are OVERRATED! Tylenol is our only friend these days and I am such a fruit loop that I am scared to give it to him..No medicine unless he is dying is the rule of thumb in this household..oh well..let me see if I have a picture of his chompers...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Then and Now!

9 lbs. 7 oz. 21.5 inches long


23 lbs. 13 oz. 28 inches long

P.S. Parker just went from a laying position to sitting all by himself for the very first time!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Live Action Wednesdays!

This is actually a pretty old video obviously pre crawling days but I have a lot to catch up on.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well there are some pictures of taking Parker to the park for his half birthday that did not get shared before the trip and I am a horrible person because I got NO pictures of the beach I don't even know what I was thinking...temporary lapse in sanity?


Toybox Tuesdays!

Parker has a bagillion toys but we usually rotate them out and he has favorites that he has to have or he will flip out! This week he has developed a new favorite! I think it is a great toy it rolls around when he touches it so he has to chase it, it counts does shapes and colors and sings funny songs with different words than the tune that is playing.

VTech Move and Crawl Bright Lights Ball



Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!


We are off to the beach in the AM just wanted to tell everyone to have a great Easter weekend!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Parker's Half-Birthday!

Today Parker is officially six months old and the shots are what make it official haha..anyways here are some yummy pictures of him at the doctor's office and he was 23 pounds 13 ounces and 28 inches long and his head was 17 inches and his doctor said he was very advanced and was very proud he has the best doctor in the whole world. He has seemed to recover from his shots already as he is crawling around like a mad man.

Daddy gave him breakfast!

Then we were off to the doctor!

Of course Granny had to find a way to teach us bad things while we were there.


and his first tooth poked through his gums today still trying to work on pictures of THAT haha!