There are going to be more posts with pictures, than posts with text. I am entirely too consumed with packing, moving, trying to find a place to live, Nicko being sick, and Parker acting like he is Spider Man. He actually climbed and was standing on the dishwasher door, while I was doing dishes :O. I have no idea how he knows to do these things. I do know I am in for one ride, when he starts walking. Which, by the looks of it will be any day now, YIKES!! Enjoy my beautiful man child!
Parker's latest trick is to share his food. As adorable as it sounds , and trust me it is precious. It is also a bit terrifying, for a multitude of reasons:
1.Whatever he gives you will be mushed and covered in baby drool plus what he has picked up on the way to you.
2. You are never entirely sure what he is giving you, as he likes to find goodies off the floor to eat.
3.The sheer force he is trying to push it into your mouth with.
That being said, I always eat what he offers even if I have to go gag and vomit afterwards. I really couldn't imagine hurting his feelings like that :). Nicko always freaks out and runs away respectfully declines.
Parker had his very first sleep over Saturday night. He stayed the night with my mom and aside from not sleeping supposedly was great, she said he didn't even whimper once. :O The king of tantrums didn't even make a peep! I think she is "joshing" me. I also arrived at nine the next morning, you didn't think I could go very long without my kiddo did you?, to find him eating Nilla Wafers and a banana. Apparently he ate two bananas. For dinner, he had cornbread and peas. As if he isn't big enough, now we are going to feed him cornbread :O!!!
They have this really great German Shephard, and I guess he is only like 1.5 years old, so still a pup. He LOVED Parker. I guess he slept by his pack n play all night, and would lick him through the mesh whenever he cried. When I got there, the dog was sitting in the yard making sure Parker didn't eat anything he wasn't supposed to. By nabbing the leaf/stick/grass/dirt/bug out of his hand en route to his mouth. He would also make sure Parker didn't crawl too far out in the yard. Great dog!!
Parker came home napped, and slept like normal last night. YAY! I was so scared we would be facing the same situation that we did coming back from Pittsburgh.
Parker loves to help with laundry, well most chores, except vacuuming, but, we are talking about laundry today. Parker immediately gets all up in your business the minute you try to do any kind of chore. He will follow me down the hall to sort laundry, and patiently wait for the dryer to buzz, when it buzzes he hurries to the kitchen to help me fold laundry. He is so cute. He will shake the laundry as hard as he can to get the wrinkles out and then pat it to "fold" it. Sometimes he even rolls around in it, you know to make sure they are all dry ;).He is my little helper.
He enjoys it so much that he even makes laundry when there is none, by pretending to fold his bibs, which he can easily access underneath his highchair.
Parker turns 9 months old today! As always I feel this is best celebrated looking at pictures of his whole life all in the same place. So, you can see how much he has truly grown. To be technical it is about 10 inches and 16 pounds. YIKES!! They say they are supposed to triple their birthweight by their first birthday, and I just don't think Parker is going to make it. He has only gained two pounds in three almost four months :(
About a week ago someone told me they were doing a blanket tent with their older child, and I got insanely jealous and decided that maybe Parker was ready for teh wonder that are blanket tents. So I put a blanket over our heads and he was AMAZED! He thought it was the coolest thing ever. I am so glad he is a cool kid :). He must get that from me. How he feels when you take away the blanket tents.
Yesterday, Parker had his check up, and he was NOT anemic. I never thought that he would be, but whatever. He was pretty angry that they had to prick his finger. We were there for three hours or more. I am not entirely sure now. He weighed 26 pounds 11 ounces and was 31 inches long. I do in fact have a man child. He got one vaccine and has to go back at one year. Which is only in three months!!
For the Fourth of July we went and had dinner with our friends Carrie and Clay, and their new little baby Chandler! He is about a month old now, and so little and sweet. I have never had much experience with a six pound baby :). Parker tried to rip his appendages off. I am sure he meant well, afterall Parker is as sweet as they come. I got to put Chandler in the sling and he LOVED it. I am so upset now I didn't have it when Parker was little. I would have never put hm anywhere else. On second thought, maybe it is a good thing I didn't have it, or I would have a baby permanently attached to me now. Anyways, a baby that fights sleep named Chandler, loved the sling so much that he was tricked into falling into a coma. Not bad for a newborn, eh?
Parker and I waiting for daddy to get dressed.
Parker eating a "new" remote.
Baby Chandler
Baby Chandler and myself.
I got a new camera. I got this lucky break and took my old one in for repair, and thought nothing was wrong, but the flash. So, I wound up getting a great rebate, for my defective camera, that was actually a gift, but I got a great rebate and was lucky enough to get a new camera!!!! YAY!!!! It just takes a long time to upload to photobucket, and I am trying to be more organized in the way in which I store pictures on my computer. I re organized folders yesterday, and it took me about two hours. I accidentally made eight copies of every picture on my computer! YIKES!! I am going to start a new folder for every month, and have folders in them breaking them down into weeks. So, on Sunday there will be new pictures up on everything. Also, that means my blog will now be behind a week. Which, isn't a big deal, because I am always behind anyways, but now I have valid excuse!
Parker has started climbing on everything! He even tried to climb out of his playpen and was very close to succeeding. His favorite is to push his rocking chair and climb up to get something he isn't supposed to have, mostly the remote and picture frames.
Parker picked today of all days to assert his independence. He decided that he would no longer liked to be rocked to sleep by me, his mother. I begged and pleaded with him to still let me, but alas bed time came and he wanted in his crib by himself. :( I am so sad. I realized that MY baby will be nine months in a matter of days, and I will never have that little bitty baby back, and it has all gone way too fast. I miss the little baby, and can't wait to see what he does next. Why is this so hard?
He made great improvements on walking today. He actually took a couple of steps without holding on to anything. He is such a smart boy! :)
I hope everyone had a very safe and fun Fourth of July!
I LOVE weekends, mostly I love Nicko being home. He isn't even that great of a help, but he is nice to have around. :) This past weekend we went to play miniature golf with David J., and met his new GIRLfriend. HAHAHA! She was fantastic. :) Parker was VERY fond of her. He couldn't stop staring at her! He is such a flirt, but his skills are lacking. He just gets flabbergasted and stares. Silly boy.