Friday, April 24, 2009

Revolución de bebe Parker!

Parker has started a revolution against his parents and his war cry is simply this "I am not a baby and I will do what I want when I want"....for instance he says "MOM I do not take naps and if I do so happen to change my mind and feel the need for a nap it will be short we will say approximately 30 minutes" and I then reply " of course son whatever works for you works for me" I am a wimp because I am scared of him..he is 24 pounds of lean mean baby are a few more of his stipulations for us getting to enjoy his presence as our child :

1) I will crawl to the glass doors as many times as I want and I will then proceed to hit my head on said glass doors as many times as I think is necessary because no matter what you tell me I know that is the way outside because I can see it.

2) Please stop shutting the bathroom door because that is where daddy lives and I like daddy..

3)I do not want my diaper changed and I will not cooperate on this at any exceptions.

4) I will play with butt paste and my hair brush and occasionally the lotion bottle and you will NOT stop me.

5) I will sit on the floor to be fed so out with the bouncer guys.

6) I will get my own controller to play video games and if you do not oblige I will make it physically impossible for you to play your game by turning off the playstation.

Love, PSD

And we are left here baffled and kind of curious as to where our easy going sweet child went to...and I immediately must blame Nicko because I have never been so rebellious in my whole life...and he blames me for spoiling him...oh well...

1 comment:

  1. I think when we have kids, we are paying for our raising. I think we all are paying for daddy! And good luck with the diaper thing. I wish I could say it gets easier. You'll just find more creative ways to hold him down!
