Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mobiles or Lack There of.

Parker is no longer allowed to have his mobile. Which, is quite sad since he liked it so much. We have dropped his bed almost to the floor. I really have to just drop him in there when he is asleep. I mean the drop literally.

Yesterday, while he was supposed to be taking a nice long nap, so mom could do things. I was sitting at the computer of course right? I hear his mobile music over the baby monitor. I am thinking what in the world??

I go into his room and he is sitting in his bed with the completely disassembled mobile on his lap. It was in so many pieces it looked like it just came out of the box. He was playing with the music box. I hate calling it a box because it is actually a circle but whatever. He had figured out how to turn the knob on the back. I was shocked.

Since his crib is so low and he is tall but not that tall. I assuming he did a little bit of climbing. What is my mom supposed to do?? I have often wondered about these nets people put over their cribs. I don't think they are so weird anymore.

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